Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Worst gig?

What is the worst job you've ever had in your life. Even if you worked it for only a day, name it. I'm sure there are some funny ones out there.


At 5/10/2006 8:37 AM, Blogger nameloC sufuR said...

I would have to say the worst job I've ever had was my first job, Paperboy for the Fresno Bee. Let me break it down for you pampered, punk, pompous jerks who slept in on weekends and holidays! (I'm hostile thinkin' 'bout it, forgive me)

The job description of a paperboy was simple: Deliver newspaper to paying customers every morning and collect money from them every month.

Here's the devilry in all of this... We'll do pros and cons:


* You made a whopping $150 a month, which translates to 5 bucks a day for waking up at the crack of dawn, folding 100+ newspapers, putting them in a bag, strapping that bag on your back, riding in the heat/rain/cold/whatever else mother nature can dish and putting them on the porches of blissfully sleeping customers.

* Learning the valuable lesson of capitalism and the "American Way" by being whored out by your manager who drove your route making sure all the papers were in close proximity to the porches of the lazy bastards don't want to scamper more than a few yards in their robe to pick up their paper.

* The acquisition of wisdom; saying "To hell with them new Nikes, that sh*t cost a whole month worth of work!"


* Opening your Christmas presents after you're done throwing papers

* NEVER being able to attend slumber parties because of the bundle of paper sitting on your porch EVERY night

* Your parents now possess the greatest reason not to buy you anything; "You got a job, get it yourself!" ARGH!

* Your older brother starting your day off with a close-range, perfectly aimed, rubber-band hitting your nape with such velocity that it touches the ceiling. Then having your parents woken by your howls before you can retaliate.

* Some bama moves or refuses to pay so his money, rather the lack thereof, comes directly out of your pocket

* Having to bust a$$ to make it to the bus for school after your route

I'm getting hot over here, allow me to give a summation:

The function of a paperboy is much in the ilk of a prostitute. Where the manager plays the pimp; riding around to monitor you on the job, scolding you when things aren't done right. You give him all of your money at the end of the month and hope you get a good piece. All the way down to the envelope of ca$h you put in his hand.

I'm frustrated. If anyone needs a paperboy, don't bother askin'! You may get cut!

At 5/10/2006 12:43 PM, Blogger Phonse said...

My worst gig was when I was working as a part-time Fed Ex Courier here in the bay area a few years ago , and then I had a part-time flowerboy job at a Flower Shop in the Stanford Shopping Center. This actually beat my job working on a assembly line for Solectron Corporation as temp for two weeks singing row row your boat several times to myself.

Imagine trying to deliver flowers to ladies. You seeing all sort of women at the same time. The fine, young, and old ones. Even at times I asked myself why am I here delivering these flowers to these ladies from their lovers? It ain't me getting some when I get home, it will be their lovers. I have to say I got my pay that day or after two days , and I quit immediately. This job was just humiliating to me.

At 5/12/2006 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The worst job that I ever had was a telemarketer for a company called team results. I had to talk to people in different parts of the country and try to sell them their local newspaper. The pay wasn't bad, but it was hard to consistently get sales.


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