Madden Etiquette
Our dear brother Al has accused me of "whining" about some of his Madden tactics. They include, but are not limited to:
* Bleeding the clock the whole second half
* Squib kicking on every kickoff to take advantage of the game (often times the player A loses control of the reciever, allowing the player B to retrieve the kickoff)
* Toting around the same playbook with every team he uses (I, personally, don't think it's cheating but it does present him with an advantage. He denies any advantage associated with playbook familiarity, that's why I put it here)
In any event, can anybody else, aside from me (his arch nemesis) shed some light on how real men play sports video games? Or at least hip him to the word "gimmick"? I would like to rid myself of having to play pu$$y-ball for '07.